Which Sports Need Preventative Measures from Mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes are everywhere! The secret is preventing mozzie bites and enjoying outdoor activities. This includes your favourite sporting activities.
Feeding Habits of Male and Female Mosquitoes
Both male and female mosquitoes feed on aphid honeydew, plant juices, and nectar. The female mosquito in many species has adapted mouthparts. She uses this for sucking blood and piercing human skin.
The female mosquito needs nutrients from animal and human blood for the successful production of eggs. In other species, blood meals enable mosquitoes to produce more eggs.
Mosquitoes find nectar and prey in different ways. These include heat sensors, sight, and through smell. Both plant and blood are vital for protein materials in mosquito egg production.
Dispel the Myth that You Repel Mozzies When You are Active
The warmer weather is the time for enjoying the outdoors and outdoor sports. The chance of getting insect bites increases when you’re outdoors in warm weather. Prevention is always the best option. Ensure you take the right precautions when playing your favourite sports.
When we are active, we attract mosquitoes, and not the other way around! Sports spectators often stand a chance of avoiding the bite. Pregnant women are also more susceptible to mozzie bites. learn more about mosquitoes and sport.
4 Things That Make Us More Attractive to Mosquitoes When Playing Sport
Wear insect repellent when taking part in sporting activities. Especially outdoor sports. Wear the right clothing and stay indoors between dusk and dawn. Here are 4 things that attract mosquitoes to the human body:
- Movement. When we move, we attract mosquitoes. The more active we are, the higher the possibility of being the next blood meal for a female mosquito. The males prefer to snack on pollens and nectar.
- Body Odor. Sweat is a great mosquito magnet. It is the chemical makeup in our perspiration that draws them towards us when we play sport. As your body temperature increases, you sweat more. Body heat, sweat and sport attract mosquitoes to the human skin. One chemical released by perspiration is lactic acid.
- Carbon Dioxide. We release C02 when we breathe. We breathe harder when we exert ourselves during sports. The more carbon dioxide released through heavy breathing, the more we attract mosquitoes.
- Location. Location, location, location. Running through marshy areas and wet areas will have a lot more mosquito activity. More so than drier spots. Wherever possible, play sports in areas with lower mosquito breeding areas.
Which Sports Attract the Most Mosquito Bites?
Beach Volleyball is the #1 Mozzie Magnet this Summer
Summer is beach weather, but beware! Beach volleyball is the #1 sport that attracts the most mozzie bites. Playing sport close to the water, and exposing warm skin, offers the perfect blood meal for mosquitoes.
You will need more than protective clothing to avoid the bite, though. Mozzie Patches are brilliant for warding off mozzies when playing sport. They are waterproof and last for up to 36 hours! Learn more about Mozzie Patches active ingredients
Why Soccer Attracts Mozzie Bites
Here’s the bad news. The more you move and run, the more attractive you become to biting female mosquitoes. Prevent your soccer team from becoming bite targets by using effective insect repellent and wearing light coloured clothing that blends with the horizon.
Exposed skin offers the perfect opportunity for mosquito bites on the arm, legs, and ankles. Showering before and after exercise will help to ward off hungry mosquitoes.
And What About Golf and Mosquito Bites?
Golfers beware! Playing a round of golf in areas with plenty of water and trees is deceptive. Mosquitoes need water to thrive and breed. The scent of carbon dioxide just from breathing is enough to make you ideal human hosts.
Take note that dark colours and spicy foods attract mosquitoes. Wear breathable fabrics that breathe when chasing the ball. Long sleeves and long pants are all effective in warding off insects. Avoid scented body products, as these are a great attraction of mosquitoes and other bugs.
Why You Are a Potential Host When Hiking or Biking
Hiking and mountain biking are other sports that mosquitoes target. Both these activities often take place in mountainous and wooded areas.
Other favourite spots include large bodies of water like lakes and rivers. As your activity levels increase, so does the chance of mosquito bites.
Avoid the Bite with Mozzie Patches When Playing Sports.
Our Vitamin B1 patches are 100% natural. They last for up to 36 hours and are safe to use. Avoid using chemically based repellents, and instead, go the natural route.
Mosquitoes don’t like the smell of Mozzie Patches. Avoid eating junk food, and remember, alcohol drinkers are attractive to mosquitoes.
It is time to take additional responsibilities and precautions. This will help you enjoy your favourite sporting activities.
Whether it is golf, soccer, or running you love doing, applying the correct precautionary measure will help fight the bite. Beat the buzz with effective Mozzie Patches when playing outdoor sports.