About the Mozzie Patch Active Ingredients
Manage Your Mosquito Bites With Our #1 Active Ingredient!
You might ask yourself what our top active ingredient is.
We use Vitamin B1 only, which stops mozzies in their tracks! You can prevent them from attacking you and your family.
Now you can enjoy an all-natural 100% Vitamin B protection in every patch.
Do You Want to Know Why Mozzie Patches Are So Effective?
With the recent breakthrough in repellents, research is showing incredible results. It will please you to know that these all-natural patches are the new best option for keeping mosquitoes from biting.
Learn more about what the mosquito skin patch looks like.Our Vitamin B1 mosquito patches come with one ingredient. We use no other active ingredients to repel mosquitoes. This makes mozzie patches healthy, all-natural protection from mosquito bites. They are so much better than the many chemical-based products you can buy.
Do You Wish You Could Enjoy More ZZZs Without Mosquitoes?- You can now enjoy more hours sleeping and fewer hours of scratching. Mozzie patches are the smart new effective insect repellent for you and your entire family.
- Vitamin B1 changes the way your blood and your skin smell. The smell has a rather "vitaminy" odour. It's actually a little like marmite! This smell is hugely unattractive to the sensitive olfactory glands of mosquitoes. With the perfect deterrent, you will find that mosquitoes no longer buzz around your head and bite your skin.
- Enjoy the added benefits of extra Vitamin B1 in your system with a healthier, happy body and mind. These benefits are a bonus for the entire family.
Are You Tearing Your Hair Out Trying to Find Effective Mosquito Repellents?
Are you tearing your hair out and have tried so many insect repellents for your children and babies that you've lost count? We have the solution. There is no need to apply chemicals that are harmful to your children. These often include N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET), pyrethrins, permethrin, or malathion.
Whichever species of mosquito you encounter, you can protect yourself. You can now do this without having to use DEET-based chemical repellents. DEET products have the potential to cause health issues.
A few major concerns with DEET are the onset of seizures in young children and death when overused. They are also bad for the environment. Avoid using these products unless you're visiting places that have a high risk for mosquito-borne diseases. These could include mosquito-borne diseases such as the harmful Zika virus.
Do you wish that the great outdoors could be more pleasurable without the worry of mozzies attacking? Our 100% Vitamin B1 mozzie patches use no naturally derived fragrances and oils. These can often cause nasty reactions like allergies and more.
What If You Could Forgo All the Mumbo Jumbo About Natural Remedies?
Certain natural mosquito repellents could contain oil of lemon. They often cause rashes on sensitive skin. Your skin could also be more sensitive to harsh sunshine when you apply insect repellents containing lemon oils.
Botanical products usually have natural ingredients. These include eucalyptus and citronella oil. We know oils can affect the air quality in the environment. They can also disrupt your endocrine system and inflame your airways.
Crushed lavender flowers produce a fragrance and oil that often repel mosquitoes. Studies on hairless mice found that lavender oil is effective in warding off adult mosquitoes. Lavender has analgesic, antifungal, and antiseptic elements. Besides preventing mosquito bites, it soothes the skin. Even so, many have reported allergic reactions to the oil when it is oxidised.
Did you know that cinnamon isn't just for pancakes? Cinnamon oil is used to kill off mosquito eggs. It can also act as a repellent against adult mosquitoes; most notably the Asian Tiger Mosquito. Unfortunately, cinnamon can also be lethal if ingested in large dosages.
Our mozzie patches are not like any other natural solution - they have NO negative side effects. Compared to conventional and natural insect repellents that all have one or two possible reactions or symptoms at least, this is an amazing fact! Patches are brilliant and safe for sensitive skin, sensitive immune systems, and people prone to allergies. It is time to say goodbye to every mosquito bite forever. Naturally and safely!
How Safe Are Vitamin B1 Mozzie Patches?
Studies show that Vitamin B1, even in massive doses, is 100% safe. All test subjects showed absolutely no side effects except stronger protection against mosquitoes as the dosage went up.
How does this work? And why are there no side effects? It's simple. What makes the vitamin work so well as a natural mosquito repellent is that it is expelled from your pores if you have too much of it in your body.
The more Vitamin B1 you have, the more gets expelled on your skin. And the more it stops mosquitoes from biting you. You can't overdose! In fact, getting more Vitamin B1 is good for your health!
What are the Added Benefits of Vitamin B? (Thiamine)
- Do you want more energy and crave a spring in your step? Vitamin B1 helps our bodies turn carbs into energy.
- Are you tired all the time? If this sounds like you, Vitamin B1 assists with giving you more energy. It also helps with nerve function and gets your thyroid working well.
- If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, Vitamin B1 does much more than just repel mosquitoes. It is great for heart health and helps you manage stress levels.
- Would you like to put the gloss back into your hair and the light shine in your eyes? Doses of Vitamin B1 will do the trick.
- Avoid adrenal burnout and regenerate glutathione. Vitamin B1 is the strongest antioxidant produced by the human body.
- Do you find you forget things easily? Enjoy healthy brain function by taking sufficient doses of Vitamin B1.
Where Can I Find Mozzie Patches?
Have you got questions you want to ask us? Our team is here to assist. Talk to us right now and find out where you, too, can get all the benefits of mozzie patches.
We take your questions and concerns seriously. We are ready and waiting with bated breath to help you.
Use our email to contact us at info@mozzieskinpatch.com. You can also call. Even better, send us a message online and we will get right back to you.
Wave goodbye to mozzies today and say hello to plenty of zzzs!