How Can I Stop Mosquitoes From Biting Me if I Am Pregnant?
Are you pregnant and worried about keeping mosquitoes away? Protecting yourself naturally with Mozzie Skin Patches is the smartest thing to do!Around the world, pregnant women have grown more concerned about being bitten by infected mosquitoes. New viruses like the Zika virus make concerns about virus transmission through a mozzie bite more terrifying. What is your risk as a pregnant woman when mosquito season arrives, and what can you do to protect yourself?
Perhaps you are planning a trip to a mosquito hot spot and feel concerned about the risk of infection. Whether you are travelling to a Zika area or a place where mosquito-borne illnesses are the order of the day, you need protection. You can avoid mozzie bites during travel and prevent contracting a severe disease such as malaria by taking the right precautions.
Do Pregnant Women Attract More Mosquitoes?
Yes, pregnant women tend to attract more of the mosquito population! Let's look at the science of attraction in mosquito species and how that plays into your higher risk of being bitten.
Why do pregnant women have more mosquito bites?
Experts believe it is because of the increase of carbon dioxide pregnant women tend to exhale! Did you know that pregnant women exhale 21% more air than that of non-pregnant women? This could be a real reason for the attraction.
Do pregnant women give off more body heat?
The average body temperature of a pregnant woman is usually higher than nonpregnant women. Mosquitoes are attracted to the heat. Pregnant women get hot very quickly; mosquitoes are attracted to warm, perspiring bodies. The compounds your body gives off include sweat and ammonia, uric acid, and lactic acid. This is a perfect draw card for these bloodsucking creatures.
Should I find a natural alternative to prevent mosquito bites during my pregnancy?
Yes, a safe and natural mosquito repellent can prevent infection during pregnancy by mosquito bites. Mozzie Patches are 100% natural and safe for everyone to use. Apply your patches every 36 hours to prevent bites during travel and the hot summer months.
How Much More Dangerous Are Mosquito Bites When I Am Pregnant?
The two big health risks that a pregnant woman should be concerned about include Malaria and the Zika virus. If you are pregnant, you need to take every precaution against a viral or parasitic infection! You should be putting preventative measures in place. You can also wear long sleeves when you go outdoors, when hiking, camping, or if you sit outside at night.
How Can the Zika Virus Affect My Baby?
If the Zika virus affects a pregnant woman, the baby can get microcephaly. This is a birth defect where the head of the baby is not the normal head size, and could lead to developmental delays. Other congenital malformations could also occur.
The head circumference is a lot smaller in babies born with this condition. In some cases, microcephaly only becomes apparent as the baby grows and develops. That's why it is important to avoid any level of risk.
Why is a Natural Repellent Important?
You can use repellents for personal protection measures. When living near mosquito breeding sites or travelling to mosquito areas, you need to take the right precautions. This is essential if you are pregnant, as is avoiding harmful chemicals.
The consequences of travel are often not worth the risk. Getting a virus during pregnancy could prove detrimental to both mother and baby. Ensure you attract little attention from mosquitoes by applying efficient deterrents that do not contain harmful ingredients.
You can take precautions when travelling to Zika virus areas to avoid getting a Zika infection. Areas such as Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, amongst others, are all hot spots. You need to take extra precautions and avoid exposure to mosquito bites. You can find out more about areas of risk from your Centers for Disease Control and prevention.
How to Avoid an Infection During Pregnancy
Natural is best. Our Mozzie Patches are effective for 36 hours. They are 100% safe for pregnant women to use. Our active ingredient is Vitamin B1 (thiamine or thiamin).
Vitamin B1 repels mosquitoes by making the blood less appealing. If mosquitoes cannot find you, they cannot bite you. To avoid an infection during pregnancy, simply apply our patches every 36 hours and wear the right clothing for additional protection against mozzie bites. Find out more about our natural method of repelling insects.
What About Sunscreen and Insect Repellent Combinations?
Skip products that combine insect repellents and sunscreen are not a safe option. The reason for this is that the two combined are not as effective. Only ever use sunscreen recommended for pregnant women.
You need to top up your sunscreen often when outdoors. This will add extra barrier protection from the elements. Using sunscreen and mozzie patches together is safe and natural. Remember that when using insect repellents containing DEET, the SPF in the sunscreen will decrease.
Top 5 Preventive Measures Pregnant Women Can Take to Avoid Mosquito Bites
You need to prevent mosquito bites. This is far better than being bitten and risking an infection. By taking a few easy precautions, you can enjoy your travels and minimise risk factors.
Enjoy the summer sun and long summer months. Don't expose yourself and get a virus through travel. It's just not worth it.
Mozzie Patches.
Did you know that you can use all-natural mozzie patches? You will avoid being bitten with our patches. They are all-natural vitamin B-1 patches, keeping mozzies away for 36 hours! Get your packs today and enjoy the benefits throughout the warm season!
Stay Indoors.
If you travel to areas with mosquitoes or live in a mosquito area, protect yourself from bites and stings. Stay indoors during peak mosquito periods. These are usually between sundown to sunup. A point of interest is that mosquitoes carrying Zika, dengue, and chikungunya bite during the day and not so much at night! -
Protective Clothing.
Always wear the right type of clothing. Wear long pants, socks and long sleeves. Ankles and the back of your neck are vulnerable points. We know mosquitoes can pinpoint these body parts. Chances are you won't feel them biting you on these places. -
You might find it useful to invest in tents, boots, socks and pants treated with permethrin. Never use permethrin directly on the skin area. Mozzie patches will ward off mosquitoes. Simply apply the patches every 36 hours. -
Nets and Screens.
Screens and mosquito nets are worthwhile investing in. Use a fan or an air condition unit to discourage mosquitoes. Follow travel recommendations and travel alerts to avoid mozzie hot spots.