Are You a Mosquito Magnet?
Why do mozzies love me so much? Is there a scientific reason? Mosquitoes do love biting some people more than others! Here's why.
Mosquitoes like some people more than others. This is a real thing. They prefer certain hosts to others according to science.
Are you a mosquito magnet? Scientific research indicates that carbon dioxide, heat, alcohol, and genes could play a role. One individual out of 10 will attract more of the mosquito population, according to Jerry Butler, a professor at the University of Florida.
Why Do Mozzies Bite?
It is not just about getting a meal when they bite and suck your blood. The female mosquito needs a blood meal to fertilise and develop her eggs. Male mosquitoes are not the biters.
Mosquitoes have been around for millions of years. The mosquito bite is here to stay. If you feel like a mozzie magnet, finding out what is attracting them can help you get rid of mosquitoes.
The Science Behind Why Mozzies Like Some People More than Others
- Genes. Genetics, according to scientists, play a role. Some individuals are genetically more susceptible to mozzie bites, more so than others.
- Chemical Compounds. Certain chemical compounds remain in human blood, and on human skin that attract mosquitoes.
- Cholesterol & Steroids on the Skin Surface. Higher concentrations of cholesterol and steroids on the skin surface attract mosquitoes. This is not necessarily mosquitoes preying on individuals with higher cholesterol levels. Some people do and some don't process cholesterol as efficiently as others. By-products of blood cholesterol remain on the epidermis.
- Uric Acid. Some individuals experience an onslaught of mosquito bites. This happens when they produce excessive amounts of body acids. If your body chemistry produces excessive uric acid, expect an increased susceptibility to mosquito bites.
The #1 Reason Mozzies are Attracted to You
Did you know that the attraction starts long before mosquitoes bite? This is because they have a fine-tuned sense of smell. Mosquitoes can smell their next meal from as far as 50 metres!
The smell of carbon dioxide is the perfect mosquito magnet. Individuals giving off excessive carbon dioxide are fair game for mosquito biting pests. People with a large body surface give off more carbon dioxide than smaller individuals. This is the primary reason mosquitoes are more attracted to adults than children.
Pregnant women produce an increased amount of exhaled carbon dioxide. Mosquitoes are also attracted to movement and body heat. This is why they are attracted to you when you play sport. Learn more about how you can stop mosquitoes from biting you when pregnant
They are attracted to your body movement and the extra carbon dioxide exhaled. They are also attracted to the added smell that sweat glands give off.
The Role Genetics Play in Attracting Mosquitoes.
Genetics have a lot to do with being attractive to mosquitoes. Did you know genetics play an important role in this? Genetics are responsible for 85% of people being attractive to mosquitoes!
Certain blood types attract these pesky insects. Type O blood is the most attractive blood group, and type A is the least attractive to mosquitoes. Individuals with more steroids and higher cholesterol levels stand a higher chance of being a magnet for mosquitoes.
The skin of these individuals has a sweeter smell that attracts mozzies. Although you can't change your blood type and how your body processes cholesterol, you can use an insect repellent to stop these insect bites.
Did You Know You Attract Mosquitoes with Every Breath You Take?
Mosquitoes smell very well. We tell you how! All vertebrates emit C02 every time they exhale when breathing. Mosquitoes use carbon dioxide as the primary tool for identifying targets.
Mosquitoes can detect the scent of carbon dioxide emissions from afar. The more you exhale, the more attractive you are to these annoying pests. Larger people are bigger mosquito attractors.
Pregnant women are also great mosquito attractors, as they are breathing for more than one. The bodies of pregnant women have a warmer skin temperature. Outdoorsy individuals create more CO2 and more lactic acid. Heat, smell, and movement attract pesky mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes See Using Movement
The vision of a mosquito is based 100% on movement. Mosquitoes use movement to differentiate between different objects. These triggers are based on visibility.
Mosquitoes differentiate between objects against the sky. People wearing dark colours draw the attention to mosquitoes more so than people wearing light colours.
Wearing lighter colours when outdoors can be surprisingly effective, especially during dusk and dawn. Mosquitoes will find you when you move around, so natural mosquito repellents are important if you are spending time outdoors. Wearing light-coloured clothing will not stop all bites on its own.
Repel Insects the Natural Way Using Mozzie Patches
Summer is here and so is mosquito activity. If you want to avoid mosquito bites while enjoying the great outdoors, we have just the things for you. You won't need mosquito traps, citronella oil, chemical repellents, or mosquito nets to stay bite free.
Science has provided the perfect insect repellent that stops mosquito bites the easy way. The secret is our active ingredient, Vitamin B1, also known as Thiamine. When it is released onto your skin, mosquitoes don't like the smell and leave you alone.
The smell is not detectable by the human nose, but the composition change on your skin is enough to keep the mosquitoes away! Our natural ingredients won't cause allergic reactions. This powerful ingredient is the sole active ingredient in our natural Mozzie Skin Patches.
Sources: Skeeter-TreatersShop our 100% natural product online today! We deliver to your door or via PAXI to anywhere in South Africa.