The Values and Uses of Mozzie Skin Patches: Questions and Answers
You can avoid itchy skin and itchy bumps due to a mosquito bite forever with Mozzie patches. If you want to avoid mosquito bites but are worried about a severe reaction or have other questions, we have the answers below. Female mosquitoes won't stand a chance against our all-natural patches!
Q: Are Vitamin B1 Mozzie Skin Patches safe for newborn babies?
A: Mozzie patches are 100% natural. They are therefore safe for even the littlest babies! The Vitamin B1 Patch is the safest, most effective natural way to help the body receive the essential vitamin, Thiamin.
Q: What do Vitamin B1 mosquito patches consist of?
A: Vitamin B1 Mozzie patches each contain 75mg Thiamine. We also refer to this as Vitamin B1. The Vitamin B1 from the patch is absorbed through the skin's pores. The resulting release of excess Thiamin through the pores repels mosquitoes effectively.
Q: Do Vitamin B1 Mozzie Skin Patches actually repel mosquitoes?
A: Vitamin B1 creates a "marmite" type of smell on the skin that only mosquitoes can smell. This acts as a systemic mosquito repellent. When your body absorbs too much vitamin B1, it releases the excess through your pores. According to scientists, is the most effective natural option for repelling mosquitoes, and they will look elsewhere for their blood meal.
Q: Do Mozzie Skin Patches contain harmful chemicals such as DEET?
A: Mozzie Skin Patches use only natural Vitamin B1 to repel insects. They contain none of the oft-dreaded chemicals that other repellents contain such as DEET. Most insect repellents work by creating an odour barrier on your skin to deter any hungry mosquitoes looking for a host. They love the blood of mammals, but will avoid you when you use Mozzie patches.
Q: If I take Vitamin B1 orally every day, won't this be enough to repel mosquitoes?
A: The problem is that orally administered Vitamin B1 takes a long time to be effective. Many of us simply cannot wait 2 - 4 weeks before the Vitamin B1 takes effect. If you are taking a couple of milligrams three times a day, it will have positive effects, eventually. This is simply not good enough to repel nasty bugs today. Mozzie patches take only 2 hours to kick in and the effects last for up to 36 hours!
Q: Are there any harmful side-effects to getting high doses of Vitamin B1?
A: No, there are absolutely no side effects to using our patches. Your body can't overdose on Vitamin B1 and there are no side effects whatsoever. The excess of this vitamin is simply released through your skin. It changes your body odors, which is what repels mosquitoes.
Q: Do Mozzie Skin Patches have any smell or odour?
A: No, the release of Vitamin B1 on your skin won't smell like anything to you. The mosquitoes will smell something, though, and that's what stops these insect bites. You won't have to struggle with strong repellent odours like DEET, citronella, or other scents anymore. Mozzie patches are a fragrance-free solution!
Q: Can I get an allergic reaction from the active ingredients in Mozzie Skin Patches?
A: No, our patches do not contain any chemicals or active ingredients that cause allergic reactions. There are no mild symptoms or severe reactions to worry about, because vitamin B1 has never caused any negative side-effects or allergic reactions whatsoever in any scientific trials where it was tested as a skin patch. Topical treatments can cause flu-like symptoms in individuals with allergies to ingredients or chemicals. Luckily, you're 100% safe from this eventuality when you use Mozzie patches.