It might not seem like it, but summer is not far away. We dream of sunshine and happy days at the beach or walks in the bush. But with summer comes mosquito season and the unpleasant buzz buzz buzz of mosquitoes.
Ensure your summer fun is not ruined by annoying mosquitoes. Nothing could be more distressing than finding your baby or toddler covered in nasty welts and bites. Mosquitoes are drawn to warm bodies. There is no time like the present to find smart ways to tackle the problem. Naturally.
Make it your mission this summer to keep mozzies away from your family with natural mosquito repellents. Spraying Doom and other nasty repellents is not good for you, baby, or the kids. If you are pregnant, questionable chemicals in mosquito repellents are doubly worrying.
It is time to think out of the box and stock up on all-natural Mozzie skin patches. They are easy to use, don't contain harmful substances, and best of all, they are 100% natural. Yes, you heard right!
Our mosquito repellent patches are 100% natural and safe for everyone to use, from baby to gran and grandpa and anyone in-between.
Cot nets are a frequently used method of stopping mosquito bites. Consider a cot net for baby. It's just like a regular mosquito net, but designed to cover a cot safely. You get nice cot nets from Mr Price Home, The Crazy Store, Cape Union Mart, and Makro. Baby stores also stock these.
Cot nets are brilliant for very young babies. The reason is that tiny babies are not agile enough to pull them down. Elasticised nets are a brilliant option for pulling over the top of cots and prams. These will also ward off flies in the hot summer months. The downside is that once your baby is sufficiently mobile, he or she will pull down the net. At that point, it can become a safety hazard.
If you live in an area that has a million mosquitoes such as close to a lake or a river, you should install mozzie screens on your windows and doors. These are also great for keeping flies out. They are not a fail-safe method of protection, but can add to a layered approach.
In other words, you should use other methods of shielding your family from mosquitoes alongside insect screens.
Moving air is a fantastic mosquito deterrent, but never rely on a fan alone. Remember to point it facing away from the cot. Babies of 18 months and older can wear Mozzie Skin Patches. Apply these every 36 hours for a natural, safe method to ward off annoying mosquitoes. Combined with moving air, you will chase mozzies away.
For some moms, it is homemade or nothing. You can make your own remedy using vanilla essence and lavender oil or oils like oil of lemon, eucalyptus, and citronella. If nothing else, it will make the room smell divine.
Dilute lavender essential oils with a little aqueous cream. Or use a little Vaseline. Dab a little directly onto the skin of your baby behind the ears or on the wrists.
Alternatively, use a little vanilla essence in a spray bottle. 10 ml of vanilla essence to 100 ml water. Shake well and spray a little on your baby's skin. You can also add a couple of drops of vanilla essence to the bathwater of your baby.
Although these natural remedies smell nice, they aren't proven to be effective scientifically. It's also important to ensure your child does not have any allergies or skin reactions to any of the natural oils you use. Do not use lemon or citrus oils on skin, as they cause irritation.
The safest option out there is a Vitamin B1 skin patch like Mozzie patches. You can never overdose on Vitamin B1 or experience allergic reactions to it. Even natural essential oils can act as pathogens that cause negative reactions in the body. In fact, the inhalation of excessive amounts of lemon oil is connected with some forms of cancer!
Vitamin B1, on the other hand, is a vital, needed element in every human body with many positive benefits. Vitamin B helps bodies turn carbs into energy. Your muscles and nerves function better with the aid of the Vitamin B supplement. Your heart health will benefit, too.
Vitamin B assists with metabolising glucose. Enjoy shiny hair and glowing skin by taking this essential vitamin. Your brain will become a lot sharper, because Vitamin B is great for brain function.
The efficacy of many natural repellents wears off after a short while. Mozzie Patches, on the other hand, can last for up to 36 hours! Because Mozzie Patches are so long-lasting, they are perfect to use at night. Our patches come in packs of 10, 40, 100 and 200!
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